Palle Skov memorial - Hillerød Chessclub

115 year Anniversary tournament 2025

Hillerød Chessclub invites to a Chess festival in Hillerød during winter holidays in 2025 – from Saturday 8th of February to Saturday 15th of February 2025.

Playing venue will be U/nord Carlsbergvej 34, 3400 Hillerød Denmark.
Hillerød is located aprox. 40 km north of Copenhagen

The Chess Festival contains 3 tournaments:

Palle Skov Memorial will be 2 closed round-robin groups with 10 players each - 1 GM Group and 1 WIM Group.

Hillerød Chessclub 115 year Anniversary tournament will be a 9 rounds Open Swiss tournament - max. 100 players.

Playing schedule
Welcome and sign-in from 12.00 Saturday 8th of February 2025
Round 1   8th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 2   9th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 3 and 4 10th February kl. 10.00 – 15.00 and kl. 16.00 – 21.00
Round 5 11th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 6 12th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 7 13th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 8 14th February kl. 14.00 – 19.00
Round 9 15th February kl. 10.00 – 15.00
Prize ceremony will be 15th of February kl. 16.00

Playing Venue
U/nord, Carlsbergvej 34, 3400 Hillerød – Short walking distance from Hillerød Train Station. Free parking at playing venue.

Rate of play:
90 min. to 40 moves, then an additional 30 min for the rest of the game + increment of 30 sec. per move (from move 1)
Attendance: No later than 30 min. after the start of each round.

Playing format
Palle Skov Memorial: GM og WIM – round robin in group of 10.

Hillerød Chessclub 115 year Anniversary tournament - one group of Swiss – maximum of 100 participants.

Special rule: Players may not agree a draw within the first 30 moves. Exceptions to this rule are draws in case of move repetition, perpetual check, stalemate or insufficient material.
In case of equality in Round Robin Groups, ranking is decided according to Sonnenborn-Berger correction.
In case of equality In the Open event, ranking is decided by normal correction.

The tournament will be ELO-rated as well as Danish rated
Participation fee:
GM / WGM and IM / WIM free - others DKK 500 / EUR 70
1. prize DKK 7.500 / EUR 1000, 2. prize DKK 3.000 / EUR 400, 3. prize DKK. 2.000 / EUR 270, 4. prize DKK. 1.000 / EUR 135
1. prize DKK 7.500 / EUR 1000, 2. prize DKK 3.000 / EUR 400, 3. prize DKK. 2.000 / EUR 270, 4. prize DKK. 1.000 / EUR 135
Open Swiss
1. prize DKK. 3.000 / EUR 400, 2. prize DKK. 2000 / EUR 270, 3. prize DKK 1.000 / EUR 135.

Additional rating prizes – will be announced later – prizes and groups depending on number of participants.

Latest registration is Sunday the 2nd of February 2025

Payment from Denmark
Online payment via Hillerød Chessclub bank account: Spar Nord Bank A/S 9213 0360 311 171
Important: No registration without payment. – Registered players without payment will be deleted from participation list on 2 nd of February 2025

Payment from abroad:
IBAN:   DK2892130360311171

Additional information: 
No smoking area in and around the playing venue.
Free coffee, tea, and water for the players in both Round Robin groups.
A small selection of chocolate, sweets and sandwiches will be available for everyone to buy, along with coffee, tea, and beer/soda.

Player contact: Carsten Pedersen: e-mail: or phone. +45 2795 2552 
Contact for Organization: Chairman Hans Endrup Jacobsen: e-mail or phone +45 5093 3851